Actually schizo is correct that inventory has been flat for a couple of months. But in a vacuum, this means nothing. Sales have been declining as well, resulting in further downward pressure on prices. Salt in the obvious things already stated in this thread regarding mortgage shakedown and I think it’s obvious where we are headed.
These facts should provide the necessary medication to help schizo avoid another attack. But at some point the underlying disease will cause symptoms to re-emerge.
I think the following definition says it all.
Schizophrenia, from the Greek roots schizein (σχίζειν, “to split”) and phrēn, phren- (φρήν, φρεν-, “mind”), is a psychiatric diagnosis that describes a mental illness characterized by impairments in the perception or expression of reality , most commonly manifesting as auditory hallucinations, paranoid or bizarre delusions or disorganized speech and thinking in the context of significant social or occupational dysfunction .