personally I don’t people didn’t see this bubble, if you couldn’t see this bubble 6 months to a year before it burst, you are blind.
One thing for sure, I’m not a real-estate expert. when I lived in Murrieta and I saw my neighbor put 70K into his back yard, 25K in land scaping 40K in furniture from Ashleys on the 14 month no payment no intrest then buy a Hummer as a 3rd car!! I took a good look around me and saw alot of the same spending going on. I realized my neighbors were only blue collar at best and no way they could afford this, I took a que from my POT smoking who sold his house to a drug dealer, so I sold my house for over 700K to a FUCKEN PAINTER!!!!!!!!!! who took a Mortage for over 680K and got the fuck out!
now i’m renting on the east coast with lots of cah waiting to get back in, don’t get me wrong I haven’t rented a house for the past 17 years, but now is the time to rent.
CASH IS KING!!!! and will be for a while