My hubby and I both have retirement plans through our current jobs, I am a Federal Govt employee, so not going anywhere until I retire and i max out what I put in that account.
Trying to figure out how to deal with this rollover IRA….looked at the Fidelity website and I can’t figure out how to roll into anything else? I spoke with them on the phone and for $3/month or 0.35% they will “manage it”. I looked online and there are robo managers, which appear to be free, but I can’t figure out how to get this stagnant rollover changed unless I pay?
As noted above I can reach out to Rich from this site, but feel like I am small potatoes and have never used a financial planner…I know I should, but need one that is ok working with a small fry?
So I guess follow up question, admitting i am totally ignorant and proving it here, what are good questions to pose? and are there financial planners who cater to dumb people who are scared and don’t understand anything about investments?
I feel like we are finally flowing good financially and now we want to start really understanding our options: We own our house-owe less than $300,000 with a 2.6% mortgage and current value ~1.2 million-plus have a rental condo we owe $150,000 with a 3.5% mortgage otherwise no debt.
Trying to pick the brain trust on this site, since it has served me so well with my real estate options over the years!