I have developable beach lots with teardowns, so I have given the question of zoning changes some thought.
As I said above, in general I think the average effect is going to be small.
But here’s how I think about it.
The worst effected will be recently built and renovated places that would have liked to take advantage of the new changes.
The best effected are those like mine that are ripe for development and probably would take advantage of the changes.
For the typical single family, they suffer from additional density and more supply. However, they benefit from the density too, and over time it is dense areas that are worth the most.
One way to look at it is that having a big condo complex go up next door is bad, but having ten of them going up two blocks away is good, because the untapped demand for walkable neighborhoods is gigantic, and that density creates a virtuous circle by encouraging amenities.