Zillow has been a reliable rental platform for the last 5 years at least. Zillow owns hotpads and trulia and has syndicated listings to these platforms and craigslist. Zillow has owned hotpads since 2012, and trulia since 2014. You can share your zillow listing on cl since 2011.
The recent jump in number of rentals in the last 6 months is probably not due to mass adoption of zillow imo. A range of factors include people wanting larger yards to weather the pandemic, job loses, being able to work remote until 2021, schools being virtual seem more likely.
The anecdotes I pointed out are not sfh. It may be the case that there are more demand for sfh. They are mainly condos and townhomes. With the exception of the sfh in our hood. That particular home may mean fewer families willing to rent expensive houses just to get into a good school district where only virtual school is available. My 2 cents.