…I had the unfortunate experience of posting on fb about the recent “When the looting starts, the shooting starts” and “only good Democrat is a dead Democrat” tweets. In-laws jumped to say, democrats are pro violence just look at ANTIFA. They can’t even admit that something so egregious is wrong coming from a president.
It’s been a challenge having chronic fox news in-laws. We have been trying to ameliorate the situation but it’s exacerbating probably because of the pandemic and election year. We’ve found a documentary, “Brainwashing of My Dad.” It’s on amazon. We enjoyed the back story of fox news the progression of news in general. Essentially fox news uses anger to attract viewers, which explains why most of them are so angry most of the time.
WRT POTUS tweets, its a diversion tactic which he has used before when his “leadership” management style turns a situation he is involved into shit
as I see things TRUMPs genius is being a pitch man (that some find his branding appealing) but looking @ the bottom line seems everything he is involved in, ends up in the toilet,… lets hope when he leaves office the USA does not end up like his investments in airlines, casinos, etc.
since ya have chronic fox news in-laws,… why not embrace the FOX /TRUMP “patriotic branding” next time they visit???
take a look at these “Uncle Sam” images for example and ya might have a laugh