[quote=no_such_reality][quote=flu]We really need ISP competition in san diego.
Now, the only real choices is between ATT and cable companies.
That is all.[/quote]
Um, didn’t the news just announce the “mega-merger” AT&T buyout of Time Warner.[/quote]
I thought that was for the TW cable company, which is separate from their Ethernet (which is now Spectrum).
BTW, just switched over to Spectrum from ATT and am very happy. I have download speeds of up to 100 MBPS (recent clock test was 60 MBPS) for only $39.99. No contracts and cable box rental fee are required.
Only downside from ATT is due to the drag wireless has on the download speeds. I’m not sure if this is because it’s cable vs. dsl. Either way, wasn’t affected since my home has DSL ports installed in most rooms which go to my main hub downstairs.