[quote=FlyerInHi]Joec, I have teen to some “financial independence” seminars because li’ve been invited for free. They are pretty much scams. And people who get taken are not the brightest.
You do realize that Trump cited the internment of Japanese Americans as totally appropriate? I don’t foresee war with China, but I do think that there could be skirmishes and tensions in the South China Sea. That could make Asians (who are all regarded as Chinese kinda like people view all Muslims as Arab, and they think Sihks are Muslim) very unpopular.
You should watch the documentary on Maya Lin. She was born in USA but was the target of much hatred when she won the competition to design the Vietnam war memorial. And she had nothing to do with the war. Veterans felt that an Asian architect was equivalent to a slap on their faces.[/quote]
I suppose if war were ever to happen with China, even if Trump wasn’t in the white house, I think this can happen already and even if not, ALL Asians would be hated across most of the country as much as Muslims are now. Doesn’t matter if you’re Japanese nor Korean neither.
Maybe my overall view of society/people in general is a lot worst than you (in my older age, I think I find most people are generally a**holes to begin with now…especially other drivers…dog owners are annoying too).
Not sure why, but I suppose I am a product of my environment and as mentioned in another post, maybe it’s just society (lack of trust for others), a bit of being in CA (much worst in LA), and just large town anonymous living…