I agree with a lot of what BG said. I am a successful college educated woman and tout girl-power all the way!!!! I have a visceral distaste for Hillary. I have watched her over the years and I have no doubt that she and Bill have a successful partnership, just as I have no doubt that she is smart and will likely be fine as president. Unfortunately, I also believe that she has sold her soul to the devil to get where she is and she firmly believes she deserves this. Well, when you sell your soul the devil comes calling….
It makes me sad that she has so much power and ability and instead of finding someone from the rank and file (a strong, intelligent, commanding woman would’ve been amazing) and mentoring them over the years and pushing them forward to be president of this great nation, she is so narcissistic that she put herself forward and tears everyone else down.
I like Bernie, not that I think he will be a good president, but because he is honest and has been touting the same message for 40+ years (I don’t really even agree with him on everything, but I respect him) I think he got into the race with the best of intentions, to further what he believes in and fight for it. I think he can stand proud that Hillary has been pulled closer to his leftist ideas just to keep relevant and prove she will do anything to win. I like him and will vote for him June 7th, because I do not think he will win, but I want to be heard. What I want our politicians to hear is ENOUGH YOU CRAZY BASTARDS. Why do you think Trump and Bernie are doing so well, the American people, myself included, are tired of the games.
I am sad that in Nov I likely will cast my vote for Hillary. I wish Trump would get some good advisors and act like a grown-up, his mean spirited high school mentality name calling offends me at a core level that won’t allow me to see him for anything else. I have never accepted bullying to myself or anyone else (as a child or as an adult), I teach my children it is wrong and if someone is being mean you step in and stop it, to stand-by and do nothing makes you guilty and less of a person. To many people are standing by. I find it repugnant to have to watch this elitist piece of sh*& say mean things and bestow his honorific nicknames on to anyone who disagrees with him. Hey what’s up lard-ass, what’s going on zit-face….it is plain mean and wrong and for that reason I will vote for Hillary, whom I detest.