That said, even though neither I, my family, anyone we know, nor, I’m guessing, most Piggs, will be noticeably affected by whomever is elected President
If I were you, I would be very careful in making such assumptions flyer.
What you are saying is true if a conventional politician like Clinton, Romney or Obama are elected because they are basically sane people.
When you have someone like Trump out there, you need be careful because if you like it or not our propsparity, real estate portfolios, stock investments, economy etc. are highly dependent on the faith that investors have that adults are running the show in the US. Take that confidence away and the system can collapse very fast.
So if I were you, I would be very worried about Trump’s first statement that he will renegotiate US debt when economy goes bad. Then two days later he basically says he will inflate his way out of debt. If the treasury markets starts believing such rhetoric (they are not believing it yet), the interest rates will go up fast and there goes all the real estate/stock/bond values.
If I am not saying this is what is going to happen. I am saying that it is naive to believe that we can put anybody out there and it will not make absolutely any difference to us!