[quote=FlyerInHi]BG, by “food elitist” I don’t mean eating only the most expensive stuff, just like an ivory tower elitist is not a multi-millionaire dollar wise, but he’s an elitist of the mind.
Choose broccoli over mash, fresh apple over apple sauce. Ban processed big food from your diet. Processed should be artisanal or home made. My teenage nieces are becoming little brat elitists. They take pride in their choices.
BTW, I buy things in season and on sale too. I like Asian markets because they have such variety. HMart and Zions in San Diego always have weekly sales.[/quote]
Oh, I agree that starch and saturated fats should be eliminated from your diet. Even sour cream and cottage cheese come in a “fat free” version and they taste fine to me. An unblemished, fresh bag of granny smith apples from WA is only $2.99 at Grocery Outlet (used to be $1.99).
Well, I’m not close to one of those large Asian markets but instead a few smaller ones. We do have a Sprouts (cheap veggies, but their bulk and packaged grain, nut and seed prices are higher than Ralph’s). There is a Trader Joe’s out in Eastlake but I don’t think their prices are that great cuz I don’t buy the type of ready-made food (i.e. stuffed salmon, etc) like they sell. And unless a “club priced” item in a local grocery chain is currently featured on a “buy 3, 4 or 5, mix or match” (red tag) promotion, I have found the club price to be too high, unless I have a paper mfr coupon or J4U coupon on my card to use for the same “club-priced” item.
I guess I’m “cheap” cuz I shopped at the military commissary for 35 years (and I still visit it 2-3 x per year when my kid gets me in). I still compare every single price on the outside to the commissary :=0
I don’t buy processed food except I keep boxes of 100-calorie MW popcorn available for when I get a “Red Box” movie and have friends over (or they bring over a movie to watch). My dog LOVES baby carrots cut up small and the 94-cent J4U bag of 3-color coleslaw! She always wants to “snack” and must keep up her girlish figure!
When I get up to my usual haunt at Kearny Mesa this summer, I’ll have my personalized-just-4-MY-house paint color professionally mixed at Glidden and check out the newer huge 99-Ranch Market across the street on CM Blvd (used to be a K-mart) and see what they carry.