What is Trump position? All I hear is fear mongering stuff. He didn’t say anything with substance, so how can you say his position is like Cruz or Rubio. Since I don’t know what his policy view point, other than building the damn wall, so I can’t say I hate is policy. But I do hate him because of his personality and who he inspires.[/quote]
On immigration all are for deporting the undocumented. All are against any significant immigration reform. Rubio once had more flexible position on this issue, from his gang of eight days, but since then he has backtracked on it ( However they are all accused by others to be secretly in favor of “amnesty”)
All are against any form of gun control and favor more expansion of guns in American society.
All are anti abortion. ( Trump, however, acknowledges that sometimes planned parenthood does some good things )
They favor significantly reduced taxes on the super-rich. Rubio will however throw some bones at non-super-rich in the form of child tax credits.
Cruz and Rubio favor entitlement reform (i.e. weakening social security, medicare, Medicaid ). Trump is probably not in favor of this.
All would get rid of Obamacare without specifying what will replace it. Trump promises people won’t die for lack of care ( Thank you!). Cruz/Rubio won’t promise that.
No one will restrain Wall Street & they favor getting rid of Dodd-Frank etc.( And you think Hillary is pro-wall-street). Trump however does not think very highly of the Wall Street traders!
All are for Macho foreign policy. Cruz will carpet bomb Syria. Rubio will pick fights with Putin. Trump will buddy up with Putin. Guantanamo will be refilled. Water boarding will be routine. All will roll back Iran nuclear deal. However Trump may not be as pro-Israel as the other two. Cruz & Trump however, inconsistently, sometimes also take non-interventionist stands on issues like Rand Paul. Rubio is consistently in the neo-con camp.
No one believes in climate change. Nothing will be done there.
Rubio/Cruz will nominate conservative justices to Supreme Court. Trump’s position is unclear.
They are all against expansion of LGBT rights, equal pay etc. Trump might be OK with increased minimum wage
Rubio/Cruz are enthusiastically for globalization & trade pacts. Trump is apparently not into those!