That’s it, in a nutshell. The “expectations” of most young adults today (esp those with college degrees) are through the roof and completely unrealistic. Especially for residents of crowded, CA coastal counties with a HUGE well-established “captive audience” of deep-pocketed, lifetime residents, many who have been in the local workforce for 40+ years. In my mind, millenials can’t possibly “compete” with all of these factors and shouldn’t be expected to. They must be satisfied with what they have currently attained, stay humble and keep “showing up,” keeping themselves as “visible” as possible at work. They need to “pay their dues” if they want to be able to compete for future promotions. As worker-bees with 0-15 years experience, they can’t have everything NOW![/quote]
Like I said about your previous post, you are a very biased individual who has personalized many things I have written and spit them out for your personal biased agenda.
A lot of the things you say that you are refuting is not the nature of what I intended. In addition, you continue to rant about how millenials feel entitled to everything for doing nothing. To be honest nothing could be farther from the truth.
The one thing you are correct about though is the “pay their dues” theory. Like I said before, we are results oriented people who believe in a just and meritocratic society. We believe that you don’t deserve a job because of the color of your skin, the amount of gray hair you have, or the amount of hours you sit in front of your computer. We believe in the bottom line, how much $ you bring into the company, how much impact you have to the bottom line.
Not sure why you are so against it, but it seems like you were ousted by someone younger who may have made more money for your company. Either way, not my concern in the slightest. BTW, I asked my boomer coworkers where they live and a few live down the street from me, and the rest live in Carmel Valley, Bird Rock, and Coronado. Not sure where you were going with that question, but just answered it since you asked.