I had it for a week. I was able to sign up and install the app on my Roku stick.
What I liked:
It did work for the most part. I only have OTA stations and it was nice to supplement some stations with this service.
The video quality for a streaming service was adequate in my mind as well.
Didn’t Like:
Although they say Roku is supported and you can install the app on probably just about any Roku, they finally came out and said they don’t support MY Roku after complaining about on demand not working.
Limited to only watching it on one TV (1 TV per account), I have several!
Overall the content offering vs. the price was not compelling enough for me to continue with the service.
I’ve got HBO GO/NOW on PS4 which I’ve been watching way to much of. Also, Sony has the VUE service which when it comes to San Diego, will offer many more services then sling, albeit at a higher price point.