I meant Watts in the beginning and KWh at the end. I was calculating out what all this equipment was going to cost for electricity (haven’t gotten my first bill yet), so I had KWh stuck in my head 🙂
I need to run the filter for 8 hours a day in the summer.
With my equipment, to run everything (Solar/Pool Monster/Skimmer/Filter) at the same time seems to use about 1200 Watts of power, or 9.6 KWh per day on an 8 hour schedule. This would cost about $129 on the 4th tier.
I broke down what each component was using power wise:
When I run solar/filter, it uses about 500 Watts.
When I run Monster/filter, it uses about 600 Watts
When I run solar/Monster/Filter, it uses about 1200 Watts
Instead of running all this together for 8 hours a day, I split it into two groups:
1) A shorter solar period with just filter/solar/skimmer (3 hours)
2) A longer pool monster period during the evening(5 hours)
Running the Solar/filter for 3-4 hours during peak sunlight hours uses 2 KWh each day.
running the cleaner (the pool monster) at night for 5 hours uses 3 KWh.
So 5 KWh per day is used as opposed to running everything for 8 hours together which would use almost 10 KWh per day, this should only cost about $60 a month in the 4th tier of pricing.
I still get 8 hours of filtration, but only 5 hours of pool monster, which still gives it a chance to make several passes over the bottom of the pool, and 3-4 hours of solar which keeps it a toasty 87 degrees right now.
So I don’t think TOU restrictions will cause much harm to the wallet if you just run solar during the day and then run the cleaner during the night.