My mother got me started on the trumpet in the 4th grade …she died when I was in the 5th and a few years later I had to go back and live with my father who killed my trumpet playing. He killed everything constructive and inflicted harm in its place. I was the only one out of 5 living with him who finished HS . In grade school all my brothers and sisters were some of the best kids….some never made it to the 9th grade. I only did a little better because of those years away from him…those other 4 did not have that. I actually have 100 units of college but didn’t want to finish for many reasons.
I shouldn’t make the trumpet joke because of this back story…but it’s funny when careers are being discussed. I don’t want to play the trumpet anymore but I help my kids with any musical interest and tell them of the benefits learning an instrument can bring. My middle son wants to play percussion and I am going to facilitate that. Last summer we enrolled him in a “stomp” class. I want them to play guitar, or a wind or brass instrument, but they are not having it.[/quote]
Sorry to hear about your parental situation growing up. It breaks my heart to think about your mom. Wish there would have been a way for you to stay with a more nurturing family member than your dad after your mom’s passing. This also explains why you seem to have your priorities straight and why you value your family so much. I hope that you can get from your existing family some of what you missed in your youth.
You should think about picking up trumpet playing, anyway (or some instrument that you’ve always wanted to play). Maybe you were joking, but I think you could still get something positive out of it. Mariachi music feeds the soul.