Thanks for the links, this site continues to amaze!
I looked it up and he did file a lien against us. Well against me and my apparently fictitious husband…..the house is in my name only, so he certainly got that info from the records, but he made up a last name for my husband that somehow sounded right??!!
From that I got his company name and crossed checked and he does have a business license. Although, I still don’t know this guys name.
Agree with many of you that if I pay the guy now what guarantee do I have that he releases the lien and exits my world forever? We were on the verge of paying him what he wanted when he filed, so I definitely don’t trust him.
Also, from speaking to mortgage company and my Internet research, does seem that if I don’t sell or refi this has ZERO affect on me. However, according to my internet research guy has 90 days to “perfect” the lien? I think that means if he does not follow up with a court date/law suit after 90 days the lien is invalid and I can petition county to have it removed? If he follows up and takes us to court? We pay what, the $550 plus?
other costs? If this goes to court is it civil court (judge Judy kind of thing?) and no lawyer/jury?
Sorry for dumb questions, my only exposure to our legal system has been through TV. Is Wapner still around, that could be fun to see Judge Judy or Wapner listen to the mean voicemails calling us all sorts of names……
Other than the voicemails/texts and now looking it up myself, I have not been formally notified? Any suggestions on next steps? I was going to call county today to ask about?