I am building on the bottom of a sloped lot. I’d say front to back is about 12 feet sloped, so it seems like I might be able to do 36 feet high if the roof is measured from the midpoint. I don’t see the need for 4 floors or huge ceilings, but nice to know anyway.
Yes I’ve seen the alleys lined with 3 and 4 car garages and apartments underneath.
My zoning is r 2-4, lot is 6200, and current house is about 700 sq feet. That means I can actually build 2 more units for 3 total. Permitted sq feet is 6200 times .7 and parking must be 25% of that. Since I intend on living here I won’t be doing that. Probably if I sold my house that would be the logical thing for a developer to do, I don’t know there if there are people other than me that want such big house around here.
I don’t know if I can afford LEED but I do like the brick glass and wood look of such buildings. I also like some of the older 3 floor mission beach houses. The newer stucco and glass ones feel too modern and sterile.