Looks like I’ll have to take a closer look at Valencia. I initally dismissed it b/c I thought it looks too far out to commute, but if public transit is an option then we’ll consider it. Just curious why people say the commute from valencia would be better than woodland hills? seems like there is a commuter bus from WH that takes about 1 hour and from Valencia the train seems to be about an hour too, what’s the difference? Is the bus time much less reliable?
Desmond, why do you say we couldn’t afford a home closer than Valencia? I’ve seen what seem to be nice homes in Glendale, Burbank, Eagle Rock in the low to mid 600s, if we buy in at range are we buying in a poor area? We’re not opposed to an older/smaller home if it’s been updated and taken care of. I kinda like the character of some of the older homes I’ve seen Eagle Rock, Glendale, Burbank, etc.. but we definitely can’t do a fixer with 2 young kids.