With the percentage of low income, lack of education, high crime, and high cost (# of children, obesity) population increasing I think this state is going down the drain. Let’s address each of these issues:
1. Most illegals have extremely low income at or near minimum wage.
2. Half of illegal children fail to graduate from HS.
3. Most of the gangsters in this states are illegals or children of illegals. Have you been to Santa Ana, Compton or Los Angeles lately?
4. How often you see illegals with one or two children walking beside them, one in a stroller, one in their arms, and one in the belly?
5. Of course, with their diet consist mostly of KFC , Tamales and sodas they will be obese.
So while they pay almost nothing in Taxes, they send their numerous children to schools with minimal results, they crowded our jails and hospitals and our politicians continue to cater to them. With the Unions already draining our budget, obviously this doesn’t work for too long.