[quote=AN]In that case, whatever you buy, make sure you get one with a SSD hard drive. I upgraded my 4 year old laptop to SSD (nothing else) and Windows now start up from cold boot in 15-30 seconds where it used to takes many minutes. Launching apps would take mear 1-2 seconds where it used to take many seconds. Bringing the computer out of sleep mode is almost instantaneous and ready to use. So, for ~$100, that gives me the bang for my buck. Hard drive is the biggest bottleneck in a computer and SSD drastically improve that. An analogy would be, upgrading the other part of the computer is like upgrading your car to get more power. But if the road you’re on is congested, you can’t make full use of all of those HP. Upgrading the hard drive is like adding more lanes to the road and increase the speed limit by 5-10x.[/quote]
Good suggestion, AN … you have my attn! I have a SATA/eSATA bus for 3 drives with cheap WD drives (“caviar green and blue”) installed next to each other, in addition to the smaller WD drive which holds the operating system and programs. This year, I will replace the Vaio Pent D’s original WD SATA with a SATA II/III SSD to speed the boot time up … that is, after I install a *new* video card and power supply 🙂