[quote=ltsdd]I was so taken aback about the questions about our remodeling/repairing of the property within the last six months and whether or not the accounts were settled that instead of checking the boxes I wrote down that effectively says “How the hell would I know since I didn’t know anything about this property until a few weeks ago and why would I do any repair/remodel on a property that I didn’t even know exist.”[/quote]
Actually, think about it – this is to help protect you. Unpaid contractors can put a lien on the property. If you know any of this information then it will help the title company to ensure that everything is kosher.
Also keep in mind this is probably a boiler plate form that they give to buyer and seller. It never hurts to have more information. It helps them get through their process more efficiently. Say the title search turns something up, if they don’t already have the info they have to come back and ask you for it, or worse, give you wrong information. I’m sure the form has these questions because the answers have been needed on previous transactions. You can always decline to give the answer or talk to the agent about why its needed.
I don’t get why you are annoyed by this – in the end the title search is to protect you, the buyer (and the mortgage holder).