[quote=svelte]I can’t count the number of times I’ve walked into Home Depot / Lowes / Target and forgotten half the things I was going to buy. Now I keep lists to myself on todoist.com and if I forget? I just whip out the smart phone and check my list…[/quote]
Did you know that there’s some evidence that having tools like todoist.com make it more likely that we forget things? You are training your brain not to remember things! Remember when grandma started to forget little things? That may happen earlier in our generation!
[quote=svelte]Just last week, we drove to a party in MM (…) So we went in – the club owner said it was typically a late arriving crowd (!!) and other guests would be arriving soon. He was right.[/quote]
In other words, the smartphone wasn’t needed at all, and you wouldn’t have doubted yourself if you were used to remember things (see above).
[quote=svelte]Quite often, a question will arise that will need an answer or a map. Bam! Right there on my hip is Wikipedia and Google Maps.[/quote]
I agree with our Luddite friend on this one. Besides, I spend 8-11 hours daily at my desk in front of a computer anyways.
[quote=svelte]The finding ppl in the crowd thing was already mentioned, but in large crowds a cell’s voice/text capability is a HUGE time saver (true, it doesn’t required a smart phone but just a regular cell).[/quote]
Yep, my $10 cell phone with $100/year airtime works fine for this.
Svelte and Ren, don’t get me wrong. I appreciate the convenience of a smartphone; I just don’t think it’s worth the price tag. A friend was recently talking me into getting a tablet-type device where I can load the Nook and Kindle software for free, etc., but when I checked prices, I found that it was $400 at eBay, and that was for a used item! Kind of ridiculous to pay that much money… Most of the books I read I buy used from Amazon for $0.01 to $10.00 (plus $3.99 for shipping). I can certainly afford the devices and monthly fees, but I just don’t see the value in them.