And there is so much historical evidence in your favor as well. I mean, there was never any concentration of power, corruption, or insider trading back in the good ol’ days of small government.
BTW, It’s supposed to get a bit chilly later this week. I’m off to the Standard Oil shop to buy some kerosene…[/quote]
Wow spoken like a true sage. That is the same logic that first graders use when they hit their buddy…”he did it first”. But you have made my point once again. The bigger the government the bigger the corruption. TBTF is our new moniker.
I am not argueing that corruption does not take place, it always has through history. But how many of these a-holes are in jail, or better still really paid for their crimes? None. By making silly arguements just to be right we are perpetuating a broken system. At least get the casues and conditions right. The banks never could have reached their current size in a true free market. But the FRN that is in your wallet is supposedly legal tender while silver and gold are not? You talk about regulation and big government and the Federal Reserve System has a monopoly on every single paper or digital dollar. And if you compete with them you get thrown in jail for haveing the gall to use metal as a means of exchange. That is called being FORCED into submission. That is the system that you want to back. You want men and women to be forced to “give”, while rich elites with conncections to the FED are taking millions! No thanks.