Something I have never understood and maybe somebody here could help me understand. Why isn’t health insurance treated more like car or home insurance? I understand that I have to do the basic maintenance and it is up to me to take care of it. I have insurance (and deductable) in the “unlikely” event I need it. If I do get in some type of issue I would then need to consider whether it is worth the deductable and potential increase in my insurance or if I should just cover it and move on.
Incentives for currently having healthy habits and lifestyle would get my vote! I used to work for a company that would give staff $200 to quit smoking, I said prove I never smoked, cause now I stopped and I want $200…..they refused. How come that is not discrimination against me, the non-smoker? Plus smokers take breaks all day long to smoke, plus take a lunch break. I go for a run at lunch (instead of lunch) sometimes 1 hour sometimes longer and those smokers say stuff to me about abusing the system. grr, give me a rebate calculated on my BMI!