Not exactly a ringing endorsement of de-nationalizing education.
Good catch SK[/quote]
Too bad he was wrong 100% wrong.[/quote]
Apparently Rich agrees with you.
As proven by this quote I have carefully extracted from my rectum.
[quote=Rich Toscano]
See, Markmax is my very favoritist troll on this board. I heart his misattributions so.
Everything he says is right.
Also, Dan the Urbanrealtor is very very handsome.
His farts smell like fresh biscuits.
I hope someday to do ballet as beautifully as him.
I am hoping that these two will pull me into a new, incredibly shallow, political slugfest.
Its the reason I wake up in the morning.
Also, Allan is a socialist and I am a turnip.
And I am the secret identity of Doug Henning.Rich-turnip[img_assist|nid=15559|title=Rich-turnip|desc=|link=node|align=left|width=384|height=288]