CAR, according to Zillow, their tax in 2010 was $9300 with assess value of $633k, which equate to ~1.47% (I assume this includes MR). If you offer full price at $570k, your monthly Tax + MR would be ~$700. Add in $100 for HOA and you have ~$800 for taxes and HOA. Using, and 20% down, your monthly payment would be between $2,177.01 and $2,310.49, assuming you can qualify and how much you want to pay in points. Add in another $800/month for tax + MR + HOA and your total expense would be $2977 to $3100/month. Assuming your tax bracket is 25%, your tax deduction would be bet ~$500-600/month. So, if you count deduction from interest alone (assuming you’re right and the deduction of taxes cover maintenance), then your total monthly payment after deduction would would be ~$2500/month. How much can that house rent for today?
Also, 2% increase in taxes only apply if your house assessment actually go up. If it goes down, then your taxes goes down.