For folks in the know. Can someone quickly explain to me what is left from the health care reform (obamacare) and how it’s suppose to benefit the greater good of people?
How much of the original reform bill is still intact?
What I have seen so far is:
1)My out of pocket insurance expenses have increased significantly.
2)The amount of coverage has decreased significantly
3)Company has reduced what it pays to insurance but passed more of the cost on to individuals.
4)And now lower appeals court is saying not everyone needs to pay for a mandatory insurance plan….
I’m not sure where to start in this thread, so I guess it might as well be at the beginning.
I’m not sure what you mean by “original bill” or “still intact”. Assuming the “original bill” means the law passed by congress and signed by the president, it is all intact. There have been court cases questioning the constitutionality of some parts of the bill. Where we stand today is that 2 circuit courts of appeal have come to different conclusions. One says it’s all constitutional, the other says that the mandate part of the law is not, and that all other parts remain intact. Ultimately, it will be decided by the Supreme Court. Since the mandate wasn’t scheduled to go into effect until 2014, so as a practical matter nothing has changed from the original bill.
None of the pieces of the law that might effect your items 1 to 3 have gone into effect yet, and are the changes you’ve experienced are more an issue of your employer passing on a greater share of medical costs to you and/or decreasing benefits to increase their bottom line. None of it has anything to do with health care reform.