First of all, define “rich.” Greater than $250k/yr? Greater than $100k?? Oh, that is sooooo rich. Soooo rich. Well, at least in the eyes of our government, it is. I can tell you that in california, it isnt! Well, say everyone who makes over $250k pays 25% more taxes…. Is that going to solve your debt problem? How do you deal with a drug addict? Give him more drugs? You really, really think giving the government more money is really going to fix the problem??? More wars, more waste, more confiscation and redistribution, more poverty, more fraud, more bureaucracy, more social welfare program failures, more post office economic failure, more $500 hammers, more $100k/yr lifeguards, more irs investigators, more bailouts, more “stimulus” and on and on and on. This country is a mess from all this big government, progressive, socialist, social engineering garbage. How about less govenment, less taxation and more sanity? Cut it out with all the class warfare hate speak. It’s sickening and wreaks of old style communist propaganda. It sounds pathetic actually.