[quote=CDMA ENG]What they really are saying is that currently they plan to make thier devices frequency dependent. I predict this will last about a year. Simple truth is that the handset makers radio will be able to do business on all of these frequencies. The chip makers do not want to retool to make the chip frequncy dependent therefore there will be some hardware or software fix, to limit searchable frequencies, for this which will take some smart hacker all of about 6 months to figure out. Trust me, someone will jail break these devices and then it game on. The handset is being hijacked as to hopefully keeping the consumer with them. Eventually these tactics fall apart and techincally the phone will be able to handle all of the 700 block and 2100 AWS spectrum.
This is all just a marketing scheme for now.
So, in essence, you’re saying I was right w/ my original state of:
[quote=AN]What I’ve read is that, even LTE phones between VZW and AT&T are not compatible due to the different frequencies that the 2 LTE network operate at.[/quote]
You’re speculating that they’ll play nice in the future, but that’s nothing more than speculation. We’ll have to wait and see, but in the mean time, LTE devices today or in the next year can’t be used across the 2 different network.