I do think what you said makes sense bhd. There is no doubt in my mind that the govt/treas/fed has been able to maintain an amazing balancing act. It could very well be the case that we see low interest rates for another decade. One never knows. I don’t see that happening but I never thought we could tread water this long. I guess we will see what happens but my personal choice is to finance what I can and be positioned to take advantage of a situation that I think will happen. If I had a couple hundred thousand tied up in a home when interest rates were sky high then that money becomes dead money. The property will depreciate as well. If I have that property financed then I have my rental and a couple hundred thousand loaded up and ready to work for me. If I am correct I will do well. If I am not correct I will not be harmed because I still will be cash flowing on leveraged money.
To each his own though. I don’t think what KCAL has proposed is a bad idea. It is just something I would not do nor would I advise anyone t do.