You do realize that passive income is crucial to a healthy expanding economy? It is not just simply gambling (save commodities), but provides capital to people who have no money but good ideas. Without people making investments (looking for passive income), we would have no economic development. We would have only a fortified wealthy class untouchable by the up and coming innovators. Only in America can you have a good idea with no collateral and have someone lend you millions. Therefore, we should not want to tax either passive income or labor income, but should encourage both.[/quote]
To a great extent, that is hogwash. If you log into your etrade account, and purchase 100 shares of Ford, it does nothing to further economic development. It has no effect on whether Ford expands their workforce or opens a new plant. It provides no new capital. Same logic applies to the billions of dollars that are traded daily on the world’s exchanges for common stocks, mutual funds, ETF’s or the secondary markets for fixed income securities. IPO’s, initial direct investments in new companies provides that capital. A tiny fraction of the total invested capital.