Why is the point so hard to understand? What is the problem here? Jeez I have repeated myself over and over and over. You can stretch a dollar in many ways, you have displayed plenty of them. At some point it doesn’t stretch anymore and that point varies with each family, with each old person, with each of us.
If inflation increases and wages do not keep up then those with less get screwed more. Why is that such a hard concept to fathom?[/quote]
My first-hand experience with inflation is that that those in the middle lose the most relative to what they had in inflationary environment. Those at the top use the government to placate the masses by providing the minimum required for survival.
Those who already have very little and spend everything on food and shelter continue to have very little and continue to spend everything on food and shelter. The middle rung joins them and gets to enjoy the same benefits of subsidized energy, food stamps and public transportation.