Once again your answers display an elitist attitude that you know what is best for others and that they can “cope”. Furthermore your examples of how to “cope” display just how out of touch you are with families, senior citizens, and other people who basically live paycheck to paycheck.
You have this sense that everyone can live like you and get by and “cope” just like you do. You are a single (probably white) male who likes to think that people can just wade through what will be the hardest times they will have faced with solutions like eating oatmeal and yogurt.
Furthermore you “agree” with someone who makes a stupid comment about eating poor even though that poster just recently bought a home. What does that poster know about “eating poor”?
I know several military families who are just barely getting by. My wife does volunteer work with other families who are on the brink. Honestly your statements are so damn arrogant it is really astounding.
You make it sound like these high prices will only be temporary and the govt will fix everything in a few months. Don’t worry about it… build denser housing. Really? That is your answer? Have you ever been to govt housing projects Brian? Your snappy one liner will be, “Well the govt can make more efficient housing that will be cheap!” Really Brian? When? When pigs freeking fly.
What is your solution for seniors on fixed income?
Yes our country has severe, very very severe problems. We are fat, we are lazy. This may or may not change. May argument is not that change will not come, because brother it may not. I would be far more willing to bet that many people will indeed NOT BE ABLE TO COPE. They will have a substantially reduced quality of life. They dont get to travel to Vietnam or own a place in Philly like lucky Brian does. They struggle through life as a single mom at Vons with 2 kids, or a 72 year old man living on SS. They are a military family needing help from charity or their church to make ends meet.
You could use some reality lessons Brian. Your arrogance is shocking.