Yeah I prefer the SD beaches also. NJ has greenhead flies (which i swear can bite you underwater), tons of broken shells on the ocean floor to cut your feet up, crabs to nip at your feet and lame swells. But for 3 months (Memorial Day to Labor Day) the Jersey Shore rocks like few other places. People of all ages flock to the shore to have fun and it is quite the party.
I definitely wouldnt vote for Childwood or Vilewood as we used to call it. The beaches are actually too big. You burn your feet and work up sweat just walking down to the water. Much prefer Margate (for a fun beach) or LBI (for a beautiful quiet beach).
Yes you have to pay for the nicer beaches but it accomplishes a few things. The money is used to clean the beaches (they have tractors with rakes come by every morning), staff them with lifeguards every couple hundred yards and it keeps the riff raff away. A season beach badge was only about $30 and half price before Memorial Day when I left but I’m sure they are more now. The shoobies (day trippers) are the ones who get gouged as it was $10/day. People who have homes just buy a dozen or so to have plenty for guests as they can be used by anyone.