HFF – In that mapcode there have been 2 closed escrows in since 4/1/07. They are at 926 Hayes, a 1/1 for 389k and 1230 Johnson a 2/1 (1276 sf) for 695k. Now the one at 1036 did list on the MLS that they have made the upgrades that Bugs commented on. I will say however that with the original purchase of 1036 Hayes, the buyer was represented by an agent who was not in the local area, not a member of SDAR. On the tax roll I only see a single mtg for 650k on the purchase date. No refi or second at all.
There have been NO other close of escrows on the MLS for this mapcode in 2007 besides the two identified above. There is a pending at 4228 Maryland for an 1876 sf home for 650k.
HFF you will appreciate this one. I know the previous owner of the home on Maryland. This guy was an arrogant one… He called me back in the summer of 06 and wanted me to list his home for 850k. He had just purchased it. He was a broker from Arizona and I told him no way would it sell for that and I didn’t want to waste my time. He got all huffy and told me he would call me when he made a 50k profit on the home. Anyways the home went into foreclosure and is now REO and pending at a list price of 650k. Of course Mr Arizona didn’t care because he financed it 100% and just walked away.
SD Realtor