Crime and murder have been with us for all of human history. Banning guns does not deter crime, and it certainly does not deter people from killing. Creating a peaceful, egalitarian society, with a sufficient social safety net is the best defense against violent criminals, IMHO; yet even in this type of society, I would prefer that people had the means to defend themselves against those who are, nonetheless, determined to be violent.[/quote]
Actually, in hunter-gather societies, murder and crime were practically non-existent and that was the vast majority of human history – as was poverty. In fact, mental illness was an rarity as well. Often those deemed “not right” were separated and became shamans that guided the tribe:)
Here is some extreme leftist propaganda using scientists from commie hotbeds such as Harvard, Stanford and UCLA. The first portion of the documentary is in regards to mental illness and violence in relation to environment. Specifically, Dr. James Gilligan who headed the
Centre for the Study of Violence at Harvard Medical School for decades.
In his life work of personally engaging the most dangerous, violent
offenders the society produces he may have learned a few things.