I think I can end your debate pretty easily on whether or not Islam is an inherently violent religion and whether or not Christianity is an inherently peaceful religion.
Just look at the lives of the founders of these religions. Jesus harmed no one and preached to love your neighbor. Mohammed on the other hand, was extremely brutal. He regularly raided caravans, ordered assinations of his foes, married a 9 yr old girl, had a harem of slave women, raised an army and conquered Arabia, and if you ever wonder why the Islamist like to chop off heads, well ol’ Mo was famous for that as well. In fact, he had all the men of an entire Jewish tribe put to death. Swell guy huh? If he were alive today, he would be in the same rank as an Idi Amin and Sadaam Hussein.
Now, this doesn’t mean the followers of Christ have done no evil but the foundations of Christianity and Islam are at opposite extremes. So in fact, it’s pretty easy to see which of these religions is inherently peaceful and which is inherently violent.