Fair???? Fair is subjective….From people that aren’t existing home owners, the “fair” thing to do perhaps do everything possible to crater home prices (though personally, I don’t think it will). Once a homeowner, the “fair” thing to do is to keep prop 13.
I’m pretty confident that
1)People who are against prop 13 aren’t currently owners.
2)Once people who use to be against prop 13 own a home, they will more or less sing a completely different tune….
So again, I think any “fairness” argument is subjective
Sorry flu, but I gotta strongly disagree on several points. First as an example, I am a homeowner and I’m against prop 13. I was against it from when I first heard about it (and was a renter) and I’m still against it now that I’m a homeowner.
I don’t think “fairness” is that subjective. Fairness would mean that everyone contributes to the greater good to a similar degree. We could argue about how we measure the amount people contribute, ie, we could argue if we measure based on ability to contribute or on dollar amount, but what we have now with prop 13 is neither. This may not be visible in newer neighborhoods, but in places like La Jolla, it is amazingly out of whack whatever method you use to compare contribution.
I do think jp has a point that if we repeal prop 13 then property taxes will just go up, and that’s worse. I don’t know if that’s true, but at least it’s a sensible argument. But to argue that prop 13 is not unfair, well, sorry, that’s just too much nonsense.