I’m sorry PR, but my patience for your posts is running pretty thin right now. All of your little schemes seem to center around shifting principal to out years and other taxpayers. In my opinion, that ignores certain fundamental issues. One is pure affordability. At 10 times income in SoCal, how is that sustainable unless there is wage inflation? Second, the boomers are retiring and they are a much bigger population base than GenX and GenY combined. You are talking about taxing a smaller population even more and expecting them to pay ten times income for housing??? Unless you are advocating inter-generational loans, which was attempted in Japan and didn’t help, then I don’t how your ideas could work.
I know you claim to be playing devil’s advocate here, but the nature of your posts indicate otherwise. Good Luck, I won’t be responding to your posts anymore until you begin to acknowledge some sort of fundamental reality in them.