[quote=AN]I understand, that’s why I suggest you talk to the house with a lot of cars before you rule out a house. My neighbor have 4 cars between him and his wife. His son used to live with him too, so that’s 5 cars. My parents have 4 cars and my brother have 2. He’s still living at home. Those are just two examples.
BTW, this is not specific to MM. I’m just suggesting that in general. I noticed that old neighborhood tend to have a lot more cars on the street than newer neighborhood, especially ones w/ HOA, since they tend to either prohibit that or the type of people who buy in those areas tend to not be pack rats with many cars or have their kids living with them.[/quote]
Why would one have more than one car per driver?!(Unless you are a collector, or just love cars.). We only recently, very reluctantly bought a 2nd car, and I still think we caved in and waste money on this 2nd car. We could have tried to use public transportation or carpool with friends – better for the environment and saves money. I can’t conceive ever needing more than 1 car per person. I can understand perhaps, in addition to each worker’s commute car have an extra family/large SUV car.