Take a guess: Yep, its the VA system (HYPERBOLE) and its actually not that bad from what I hear from many veterans. I think Businessweek had a big story on VA system and stated that that have a huge incentive to keep people healthy because they have to pay for life, whereas HMOs have no incentive because you don’t sign life time contract. VA computer systems are top notch since they have to track medical records for life. Pay for service in principle is the correct way, but the problem with jg’s pay for it out of pocket in practice is that health care is NOT capitalistic in the sense that there is no price competition. When is the last time you have seen prices in a medical setting? It’s the only industry where they NEVER disclose/discuss pricing; sounds like CUBA to me.
Only way to fix it is to get rid of HMOS, follow jg’s lead and then BAM, pricing would be competitive and health costs would go down.