Since we are looking back here is an article from Aug 1990 (*cough* 2006*)
A Post I did on my website last year:
Let’s revisit the past from the present
I emailed a writer over at LA Times today. I am glad we can say the same things 16 years later and still be in the dark!
“Hello I liked the article written by you. There is just a funny note I thought I’d point out.
Your article stated:
“One hopeful factor is that the state’s economy is much stronger and more diversified than it was 15 years ago, when the aerospace industry was downsizing with the end of the Cold War.”
“In the view of many real estate agents here, the slump is nothing more than a temporary cooling. Californians continue to recite a litany of factors they think will keep the housing market from going into a steep dive, including the state’s diversified economy, widespread restrictions on building that have limited the supply of housing and its strong population growth. Early census figures show that the state’s population has topped 29 million, for an explosive 23.7 percent rise in a decade. ”