I hate landlines, I’ve been dabating about getting rid of mine. I’ve never given that number out, if it rings it’s a wron number and because there are multiple phones hooked up to that same line in different parts of the house it’s a pain to turn the ringer off. The answering machines for landlines suck, you have to skip through all the messages to get to the one you want. The iphone answering machine (voicemail) lists the voicemails like e-mails, showing you who each message is from, you play the message you want to, like opening the e-mail you want to from a list.
I also no longer wear a watch or use an alarm clock, phone has replaced them both. I also don’t have a camera, the iphone4 cam is good enough for my needs. I also have stopped making lists for the store, I have a dry erase board on my fridge and I take a picture of it as I leave the house. I can use my finger to zoom in on the picture if it’s hard to read. I have a blackberry paid for by my employer and I hate it, it doesn’t zoom with my fingers on a touch screen, you have to scroll and hit buttons, hate it.
I don’t understand why all the hatred of technology, my iphone is easier to operate than any of the devices it replaces. I also have not opened a phone book (neither white or yellow pages) in four years and I never will. They go straight into the recycle bin, I just enter the name of who or what i’m looking for, touch the number and it calls the number, I never enter a digit or write anything down. I don’t get a newspaper any more, I don’t listen to the radio any more. I get weather, traffic, music, news, e-mail, all on one little phone. I have an xm skydock in my car, it’s mounted very well, the phone charges while I drive and the phone becomes my radio when I drive. I never miss a sporting event and I don’t have to search for a game on the radio. If I’m looking at a list of football or basketball games to choose from, the current score is listed along with the names of the teams playing. I’ll ignore the blowouts, touch the name of the one I want, voila, it’s on the radio.
I see a lot of people in their 70’s and 80’s in the apple store being tutored on how to use the phones. If they can do it, you can to. It wont complicate your life, it will simplify it.