7) It’s because we have an illegal immigration problem
8) Halmark made me spend on money to celebrate “My Secretary’s Nephew’s Son’s Sister’s former Roommate Day”.
9) Healthcare is too much
10) Healthcare is too little
11) Corporations keep outsourcing
12) Corporations keep insourcing
13) Corporations keep right sizing
14) Corporations keep left sizing
15) Those damn pesky chinese and asians. It’s all their fault….They’re stupid by they way, because they go to school….They keep making and sending us those crappy electronics even though we don’t want/need them, and end up polluting our landfills with non-green electronic stuff that is frequently thrown out….
—-Sent from my iPad XXXVII via Facebook——[/quote]
While we are at it, let me also bring Hitler, Mao and Stalin to this thread. It is their fault!!!