If he died alone and nobody If he died alone and nobody else died or got hurt, then hero, if not loser.
February 19, 2010 @
3:34 PM
I can’t think of a single I can’t think of a single heroic element regarding Joe Stack’s role in this thing… not one.
February 19, 2010 @
3:52 PM
No more a hero than Amy No more a hero than Amy Bishop.
February 19, 2010 @
9:06 PM
AK wrote:No more a hero than [quote=AK]No more a hero than Amy Bishop.[/quote]
F’ing A Well Told
February 19, 2010 @
4:03 PM
This event is sort of the IRS This event is sort of the IRS version of “going postal.”
February 19, 2010 @
4:07 PM
it’s scary for me to even it’s scary for me to even contemplate that this is a reasonable question for some.
Allan from Fallbrook
February 19, 2010 @
5:16 PM
scaredycat wrote:it’s scary [quote=scaredycat]it’s scary for me to even contemplate that this is a reasonable question for some.[/quote]
Bingo, scaredy. Fucking bingo.
February 19, 2010 @
4:06 PM
From ABC
Most were shocked by From ABC
Most were shocked by the charred scene of Joe Stack’s kamikaze attack on a Texas IRS office, but for an alarmingly growing number of Americans Stack is a hero.
The destruction of the IRS office in Austin, Texas, has made suicidal pilot Joe Stack a hero to right wing extremists in the “patriot” movement.
The Web was studded with praise for Stack almost immediately after his plane slammed into the Austin office complex Thursday morning. The admiring salutes appearing on sites ranging from Facebook to the pages of extremist groups reflect what experts say is an “explosive growth” in the anti-government patriot movement.
February 19, 2010 @
5:21 PM
I am offended that this is I am offended that this is even on here.
February 19, 2010 @
5:39 PM
You guys are missing the You guys are missing the Men’s Figure Skating final.
February 19, 2010 @
9:10 PM
desmond wrote:You guys are [quote=desmond]You guys are missing the Men’s Figure Skating final.[/quote]
I thought what’s his name from USA already won…
February 19, 2010 @
5:44 PM
I believe that real Americans I believe that real Americans in Palin country will be lionizing Joe Stack as a martyr.
I don’t read the right wing blogs but praise for Stock don’t surprise me at all.
February 19, 2010 @
7:04 PM
You know nothing about Brian,
You know nothing about real Americans. You are just as twisted as Mr. Stack in your own way. You are a coward and a hater. Why not go to an anti- Palin blog and get it out of your system and return to Piggington when you get the kind of reinforcement from other like thinkers on your hateful blog.
February 19, 2010 @
7:24 PM
Facebook has since deleted Facebook has since deleted the “Joe Stack” fan page, but others seem sure to follow.
February 19, 2010 @
7:29 PM
Zeit, there are real Zeit, there are real Americans and “real” Americans.
I’m talking about the real Americans of the Palintinate.
I’m not a hater… people are entitled to believe what wish. Their beliefs are funny and irony to me. That’s all.
February 19, 2010 @
8:09 PM
I think most people Brian,
I think most people who think about what he did, more than why he did it will reach the conclusion, that regardless of his anger or motivation, it was murder. Many are angry about the amount they pay in tax, but the vast majority pay and do not go postal on IRS. When the true story comes out, I am sure someone will point out that he was unstable and could not work with people and had been depressed for years. It is too bad he had to commit suicide and take someone with him, but you see people getting cops to shoot them often. This is a variation on that theme.
February 20, 2010 @
9:12 AM
Zeitgeist wrote:Brian,
You [quote=Zeitgeist]Brian,
You know nothing about real Americans. You are just as twisted as Mr. Stack in your own way. You are a coward and a hater. Why not go to an anti- Palin blog and get it out of your system and return to Piggington when you get the kind of reinforcement from other like thinkers on your hateful blog.[/quote]
Yep…Brian is a real piece of work. Your mother must be proud. I bet Maddow and Olberman are your heros.
February 19, 2010 @
9:15 PM
You have thought that someone You have thought that someone so bent on screwing with the government would have put his software engineering geekyness to good use and figure out a way to round off all fraction cents from various accounts and funneled them into offshore account, like in the movie Office Space (which I shall remind folks, included then super hot Jennifer Aniston).
February 19, 2010 @
9:39 PM
flu wrote:like in the movie [quote=flu]like in the movie Office Space (which I shall remind folks, included then super hot Jennifer Aniston).[/quote]
If any thread deserves a hijack, this one does.
While Office Space is a classic that I can watch an unlimited number of times, Anniston is not “super hot.” She’s beautiful, she’s wife/girlfriend hot, but super hot is reserved for those that pass the super hot test. Let’s say you had a week to be alone with her, at a resort in a beautiful tropical location. How long before you took her along sightseeing? One day, two days, maybe three? Super hot is reserved for the kind of woman that you would rather keep in bed, ordering room service, IV fluids, and never coming out of the room until it was time to go home, never once entering a public place nor wearing suitable clothes to be in public, super hot should put your heart on the verge of bursting from viagra overload.
Looks alone don’t qualify, cute doesn’t cut it, she’s got to ooze sexuality in her voice and her aura. Marilyn Monroe was super hot, the redhead from MadMen, Christina Hendricks is the reigning queen of super hot right now. The bottom row of the pics is the best.
Beyonce is Super hot, Dita Von Teese is Super Hot, Jennifer is beautiful, but let’s not confuse beauty with raw sex appeal.
February 19, 2010 @
10:03 PM
temeculaguy wrote:flu [quote=temeculaguy][quote=flu]like in the movie Office Space (which I shall remind folks, included then super hot Jennifer Aniston).[/quote]
If any thread deserves a hijack, this one does.
While Office Space is a classic that I can watch an unlimited number of times, Anniston is not “super hot.” She’s beautiful, she’s wife/girlfriend hot, but super hot is reserved for those that pass the super hot test. Let’s say you had a week to be alone with her, at a resort in a beautiful tropical location. How long before you took her along sightseeing? One day, two days, maybe three? Super hot is reserved for the kind of woman that you would rather keep in bed, ordering room service, IV fluids, and never coming out of the room until it was time to go home, never once entering a public place nor wearing suitable clothes to be in public, super hot should put your heart on the verge of bursting from viagra overload.
Looks alone don’t qualify, cute doesn’t cut it, she’s got to ooze sexuality in her voice and her aura. Marilyn Monroe was super hot, the redhead from MadMen, Christina Hendricks is the reigning queen of super hot right now. The bottom row of the pics is the best.
Beyonce is Super hot, Dita Von Teese is Super Hot, Jennifer is beautiful, but let’s not confuse beauty with raw sex appeal.[/quote]
You’re right. I should say Jennifer is a beautiful/elegant looking ladies with a beautiful expression. For me those are the ones that are the hardest ones to forget. Likewise, the field enginerd from one my customer’s co… A 6′ asian woman with one of the most beautiful faces I’ve seen…not to mention, she a sharp hacker…Fortunately, for my own sanity, this project is only going to last for a few days. Smartest damn strategy the customer did was to send her. Some customers are just a*holes that send some jerk that yells/screams and tells you what a fvckup job you+team are doing, and how everything needs to be done yesterday…This company sends an elegant women that asks regularly (politely asks) “when can XYZ be available so I can do some integration”. I’ve never seen so many people motivated to get stuff done ahead of schedule…Suckers…
February 19, 2010 @
11:52 PM
Well, I’d rather discuss hot Well, I’d rather discuss hot chicks vs. this loser being a hero too. I think I’ll never understand men though because I know women who are the same size as Christina Hendricks and FOR SURE most typical CA guys at least think they are chubby.
Allan from Fallbrook
February 20, 2010 @
9:30 AM
CBad wrote:Well, I’d rather [quote=CBad]Well, I’d rather discuss hot chicks vs. this loser being a hero too. I think I’ll never understand men though because I know women who are the same size as Christina Hendricks and FOR SURE most typical CA guys at least think they are chubby.[/quote]
CBad: I’m going to respectfully disagree with you as well. Christina is not only beautiful, she has the curves and sexiness of a real woman. I’d take Christina and Lucy Lawless (“Spartacus”) over a dim-witted twig like Megan Fox any day.
Women AND men in this country have been sold a false ideal of what a “real” woman looks like and its truly sad, especially given the impact of attempting to attain this false body image on girls and women.
As far as Angelina Jolie goes, two words: DADDY ISSUES. Big time.
February 20, 2010 @
9:49 AM
You are wise beyond your FLU,
You are wise beyond your years.
There are plenty of women you think they can have thier way just because they are beautiful. I shut-down that action quick.
Just ask my lovely fiance’. 😛
Over and over society teaches that life is easier when you are good-looking. I hope that my childern are attractive but no outrageously good-looking. The outrageously good looking are usually swallower and not self conifedent.
Of course then again if confidence is inversely proportional to looks then I must be one ugly MF’er.
And your right Allen about Angelina. What did Chris Rock say about fatherhood? “My only mission in life is to keep her off the pole!”. Well I think the pole for her is the movies. She does do very well as an actress but I am completely turn-off by who she is at a personal level. Aniston has shown herself to be nothing but class and just as easy on the eyes.
My pick… Anistion..
February 20, 2010 @
2:49 PM
Yeah, don’t care much for Yeah, don’t care much for twiggy-stick model-chicks. Don’t know many friends who do either.
And I admit, Christina Hendricks is supremely nice to look at. But that’s not what Super-Hot means. That’s not call room service, hook me up to an IV. Not for me at least…
For me, it’s my wife of 18 years . . . 😉
February 20, 2010 @
3:08 PM
I figured there might be a 10 I figured there might be a 10 out there who could be my best friend and out room service the rest, but I would be better off not counting on being able to discern which one it was and felt holding out was a waste of time. I also believe in the possibility that being over-sexed is not good. I think my views helped in the long run. Who knows? I also believe there are millions more average women who can and will command room service than there are models and that most the models would fail at that…Sex is mostly a mixture of mind and chemistry. Coveting the 10 probably at least partially has something to do with something else.
Women from TV and Movies get too much attention IMO. We all get old. Marilyn Monroe died when she was young. If not she wouldn’t have the sexy legacy she has today. She would be another actress that was hot when she was young… probably more of a hag then the rest from living hard.
February 20, 2010 @
3:12 PM
27-1. 27-1.
February 20, 2010 @
3:15 PM
What a wonderful Gandalf,
What a wonderful husband you are. Your wife is lucky.
February 20, 2010 @
3:27 PM
Except I was just watching Except I was just watching Lindsay Vonn skiing highlights, thinking “Wow, she’s super-hot…”
February 20, 2010 @
3:39 PM
You’re not disagreeing with You’re not disagreeing with ME. I think she’s hawt. In fact pretty much all the women you are mentioning here I think are beautiful in their own way. But there are tons of young, attractive men especially in the OC and LA area who would consider some of these women chubby! Sorry, but that’s what I see and hear personally. I know women who are sizes 8,10,12, etc. after having kids and their husbands now think they need weight watchers. And I’m pretty sure they aren’t homosexual. But this is coastal So Cal. These women would be considered skinny in other parts of the country. I don’t know, maybe I hang out with too many athletic people?
February 20, 2010 @
3:53 PM
CBad wrote:You’re not [quote=CBad]You’re not disagreeing with ME. I think she’s hawt. In fact pretty much all the women you are mentioning here I think are beautiful in their own way. But there are tons of young, attractive men especially in the OC and LA area who would consider some of these women chubby! Sorry, but that’s what I see and hear personally. I know women who are sizes 8,10,12, etc. after having kids and their husbands now think they need weight watchers. And I’m pretty sure they aren’t homosexual. But this is coastal So Cal. These women would be considered skinny in other parts of the country. I don’t know, maybe I hang out with too many athletic people?[/quote]
I think many men fear that a little exra thickeness it a precursor to fat. Maybe some of those husbands look at their expanding wives and their expansive MIL and panic. I know a lot of people think latinas are extra cute but that they will be as big around as they are tall by the time they are 30. Much of this doesn’t fit the actual woman of course and being fat is not a crime. The hype about Vonn’s looks also must be getting a benefit of the doubt boost from her other acheivements.
February 20, 2010 @
4:08 PM
Continuing the weighty Continuing the weighty discussion:
“100 years ago you had to be rich to be fat. Now apparently you have to be rich to stay thin. And women add more pounds being poor than anyone. A nationwide study that followed participants for 14 years correlates the U.S. Food Stamp Program to obesity among its users.”
Speaking of hot Olympians, Speaking of hot Olympians, holy crap did you guys watch women’s curling? The Japanese and Russian teams were just… wow. And man could they massage those stones.
And is it just me, or was women’s skelleton a convention of 95mph super-models?
And to be fair, the wife has been enjoying the men’s events just as much… and not necessarily for displays of sports prowess.
February 20, 2010 @
4:22 PM
gold medal by Aksel Lund gold medal by Aksel Lund Svindal
Aksel Lund Svindal won a crash-strewn super-G on Friday night to deny American Bode Miller a first Olympic gold medal.
gandalf wrote:Yeah, don’t [quote=gandalf]Yeah, don’t care much for twiggy-stick model-chicks. Don’t know many friends who do either.
And I admit, Christina Hendricks is supremely nice to look at. But that’s not what Super-Hot means. That’s not call room service, hook me up to an IV. Not for me at least…
For me, it’s my wife of 18 years . . . ;-)[/quote]
Awwwwww, how sweet!!!!
(now that’s a smart man!) 😉
February 21, 2010 @
9:31 AM
gandalf, your membership card gandalf, your membership card to the man club is in jeopardy.
Rule 47(c) of the Man Code: “When engaging in hypothetical discussions of female celebrities and porn stars, wives are not to be chosen during mock drafts. Photographs, videotapes or memories of wives may not be used during manual stimulation or referenced in discussions of manual stimulation.”
There is case law that allows for said violation if she is present when you are speaking or if a reasonable person whould expect she would learn of your answers and you are already on thin ice, it’s called the Tiger Woods exception. He’s allowed to violate the Man Code for a period of five years. If the Man Code Grand Jury subpoenas you, use that defense.
But the best way to save face and not violate the code is to preface your statement with “If my wife were to be in a tragic industrial accident” then add your choice “then Christina Hendricks would be my first choice.” It’s snarky and sneaky, but it works and your fellow men will not have to swallow the small amount of vomit that they burped into their mouth after reading it.
February 21, 2010 @
10:49 AM
Agreed, TG, although I Agreed, TG, although I suppose it’s conceivable that gandalf’s one of the 1-in-10,000 men that might truly feel this way… as bizarre as it might be.
February 21, 2010 @
11:46 AM
I bet G’s wife is not I bet G’s wife is not watching the men’s singles ice skating. It gives an entire new meaning to gay blade.
February 20, 2010 @
12:31 AM
flu wrote:
A 6′ asian woman [quote=flu]
A 6′ asian woman with one of the most beautiful faces I’ve seen[/quote]
That sounds super hot right there.
Marilyn Monroe? Yeah, super hot. But I’ll take (the early version of) Jayne Mansfield.
A 6′ Asian woman built with a beautiful face and built like Jayne Mansfield? Start the IV.
February 20, 2010 @
2:05 AM
Cmon FLU, hook your brothers Cmon FLU, hook your brothers up, you need to invite us to lunch or something before that job is over.
Cbad, I disagree, I think that’s a combination of the media and a few guys who have yet to come to terms with their homosexuality, the trashing of women with hips and breasts and the glorification of women with bodies like 15 year old boys.
Did you click the link of christina’s pictures, I’ll bet 90% of california men would not use the word “chubby” and if you gave them clay and told them to sculpt a woman, that’s what they’d make. Have you ever noticed that the women in women’s magazines aren’t built like the ones in mens magazines? Sir mix-a-lot is not alone on this. That’s the trouble with the main stream media and body image, it just doesn’t reflect the truth, porn is truth, I hope christina fails as an actress, her porn value is off the charts. I wish you could make financial trades on stuff like this the way you can play stocks or commodities, I’d make a killing, this stuff I know.
And if those women you know that are built like christina are tired of being labeled chubby, zk and i are easy to find, that is if flu doesn’t doesn’t introduce us to amozonian asians first. Good god FLU, if you tell me she’s got OEM’s with some heft, I’ll probably seize up at the keyboard. IV’s for everybody, my treat!
Thread hijack is working great, not one mention of the jackass that inspired the thread.
February 20, 2010 @
3:44 AM
Talking about super hot, Talking about super hot, Jennifer Aniston and haters….
There are a whole bunch of Angelina Jolie haters out there who believe that Angelina is the calculating bitch who stole Brad from Jennifer, the nice one.
I believe that of the two, Angelina is super hot one whereas Jennifer is just homey beautiful.
It turns out that Angelina is super hot with a brain and better acting talents too. She was also born into money. Some people have it all and people hate them for it.
It’s no surprise to me that Brad dumped Jennifer for Angelina.
February 20, 2010 @
8:07 AM
temeculaguy wrote:Cmon FLU, [quote=temeculaguy]Cmon FLU, hook your brothers up, you need to invite us to lunch or something before that job is over.[/quote]
Well TG, I believe you said your days with 20something’s are past. Are you changing your mind? Second, I don’t like to setup my friends for failure and/or waste their time.
Let’s put this in perspective. How many enginerds do you know or routinely see at work that fit into this description above with an M.S. or in this case PHD? The firm I’m working with is already decent in the gender ratio… being it’s based overseas and there, asian women enter enginerd profession on a more regular basis. However, we’re still talking to roughly 10 to 1 ratio. This person, very well could write her own ticket, specifically since she is probably one of the best hackers too. So I figure there will probably be plenty of folks tripping up over this in said firm.
Me? I found an easy solution to deal with this situation. Give proper disclosures up front. My first day meet and greet ended in me working into the conversation “there’s also Legoland…My daughter loves Legoland”… and just in case she missed the point, following up with “my daughter is great because she wants likes doing xxasfsdafd”. In situations like this in which there is a possibility she might think everyone is trying to hit on her, I simply remove myself from the equation. Not to mention, it sends a message that “I’m a reasonable person to work with, but I’m not going to get steamrolled like others might allow.”
Other folks in similar situations can substitute “daughter” for either (b) “wife” if you don’t have a kid and really have no interest in said person…or…(c) “girlfriend”, even if you really don’t have one, if you really are interested in said person. And place this in the context of “my girlfriend and I enjoy doing X, doing Y, doing Z”…The logic here is obvious. Unless you are master in smoothness, said person won’t give you the time of day. If, however, you demonstrate you are not available, and what a great life you have with your significant other (real or imaginary), said person doesn’t need to worry about you hitting on them and more readily will talk to you. Plan b would be to demonstrate what a great person you are during the talking phase (I don’t understand the logic either). Throwing money around doesn’t work in this case, because said person in this category are career oriented, and chances are make a hell of lot more than you, especially if they have vested stock options/restricted stock.
Anyway, I do need to go to work now. Otherwise, I do have to cancel my weekend plans for next week, because there really is a deadline.
February 20, 2010 @
8:19 AM
I find it hard to believe I find it hard to believe that a bunch of guys on an economic blog at 3 in the morning are doing much more then that.
February 21, 2010 @
1:18 PM
His final actions make him a His final actions make him a domestic terrorist.
February 21, 2010 @
3:15 PM
Too funny… If I was hanging Too funny… If I was hanging out with dudes in a living room somewhere, I’d probably throw shit at me for saying that… Flying beer cans. <ha,ha>
But it’s kind of true though, ya’ know. I mean, what’s up with the media, pictures in magazines? Models aren’t sexy. They’re gross, anorexia sick.
Call me crazy, but I prefer the real thing, real women. Plus, I’m totally gonna score in the next couple of days because my geek-goddess super-hottie wife browses the Econo-Almanac too.*
* Man Rules, Section 47(c) p. #5, “Tiger Woods” exception
** Also, see Section 103(b), “Lindsay Vonn” exception
February 21, 2010 @
3:31 PM
Hero’s don’t kill the Hero’s don’t kill the innocent. I’m sorry an IRS employee is innocent, no matter how much we like to malign the machine he or she works as a cog in.
On the other hand his suicide speaks to a deeply angry and prurient side of my personality. I fear it speaks to many others more strongly. Social instability and violence are the true dark side of what we are experiencing. The govt’s desire to balance its books so severely on the likes of Joe Stack are what will cause more of this type of episode.
February 21, 2010 @
3:39 PM
Well said, Josh. I agree. Well said, Josh. I agree.
February 21, 2010 @
4:27 PM
Based on my experience as a Based on my experience as a former business owner, I can confirm the IRS is a zero tolerance organization, completely adversarial, whose only goal is to collect taxes due. I was late once making my payroll tax payment (no excuse) and decided to see if I could negotiate a one time forgiveness. I went to their office, an inconspicuous building I believe off Camino Del Rio in Mission Valley. The first thing you’ll notice as you enter their office is the extremely thick glass partition (probably bullet proof) separating the waiting lounge from their cubicles. Everyone working there looked cynical with large bags under their eyes. To the side was a separate locking room, where presumably discussions would take place. The person that talked to me was an elderly lady, extremely serious, probably in her 60s and looked like Aunt Bea from the Andy Griffith show. After 10 minutes, it was clear to me that the meeting was going nowhere as all she wanted to know was when I was going to pay the penalty. As I got up to leave I said something like, “Thank you for your time, but I’m disappointed the IRS is so rigid with their rules and unwilling to offer hard working small business people any kind of break. Before I pay, I want to consult my attorney to see if there is any appeal process.” When I said that, the look she shot me could have turned Medusa to stone. Then she said, “You don’t need an attorney, you just need to deal with me, be more responsible and pay your taxes!” I didn’t respond and just walked out.
While no rational person can condone Joe Stacks actions, it’s not hard to envision how an already unstable person can be pushed over the edge by the IRS.
February 21, 2010 @
5:38 PM
Joe Stack would be a hero to Joe Stack would be a hero to me if he had crashed his plane into the criminal CEO of Government Sachs Lloyd Blankfein. Somehow, we need to redirect the ire of these crazies to the criminal elite who deserve it as opposed to some random IRS clerks.
Allan from Fallbrook
February 21, 2010 @
7:11 PM
GovernmentSachs wrote:Joe [quote=GovernmentSachs]Joe Stack would be a hero to me if he had crashed his plane into the criminal CEO of Government Sachs Lloyd Blankfein. Somehow, we need to redirect the ire of these crazies to the criminal elite who deserve it as opposed to some random IRS clerks.[/quote]
Hopefully, this is your idea of a joke. Otherwise, you really should seek the care of a qualified mental health professional.
Joe Stack, for all intents and purposes, was a bitter and deranged individual and chose immolation and murder over accepting his own failings and weaknesses. What he did was not only beyond the pale, but cowardly and reprehensible.
You, on the other hand, appear to be perfectly content to direct the cowardly, weak and gullible to their deaths, as long as it satisfies your ends. Who do you remind me of? Oh, yeah, that’s it: Osama bin Laden.
February 21, 2010 @
7:26 PM
I think there is something in I think there is something in the air.
POSTED: 6:05 am EST February 11, 2010
A Massachusetts man is in jail facing weapons charges after his wife turned him in to police for having a huge cache of weapons, including rifles, tear gas grenades and explosives, inside his North Shore condominium.
Gregory Girard, 45, of Manchester-by-the-Sea was arrested Tuesday, police said, after he allegedly told officers he was preparing for Armageddon.
He allegedly told his wife, Kristine Girard, a licensed psychiatrist, that he was convinced the end of the world was near.
February 21, 2010 @
10:53 PM
And guess how this story And guess how this story would be different if Joe Stacks’s name was actually Ahmed Omar Hussein?
February 21, 2010 @
11:11 PM
afx114 wrote:And guess how [quote=afx114]And guess how this story would be different if Joe Stacks’s name was actually Ahmed Omar Hussein?[/quote]
It depends on if allah akbar was uttered or not. Once that threshold is crossed then you need to be doubly mad and demand more bombings and occupations of oil producing regions.
February 22, 2010 @
2:57 PM
Arraya wrote:afx114 wrote:And [quote=Arraya][quote=afx114]And guess how this story would be different if Joe Stacks’s name was actually Ahmed Omar Hussein?[/quote]
It depends on if allah akbar was uttered or not. Once that threshold is crossed then you need to be doubly mad and demand more bombings and occupations of oil producing regions.[/quote]
Shows you how it’s a matter of emotions on the part of people who are full of bias.
February 19, 2010 @ 3:32 PM
If he died alone and nobody
If he died alone and nobody else died or got hurt, then hero, if not loser.
February 19, 2010 @ 3:34 PM
I can’t think of a single
I can’t think of a single heroic element regarding Joe Stack’s role in this thing… not one.
February 19, 2010 @ 3:52 PM
No more a hero than Amy
No more a hero than Amy Bishop.
February 19, 2010 @ 9:06 PM
AK wrote:No more a hero than
[quote=AK]No more a hero than Amy Bishop.[/quote]
F’ing A Well Told
February 19, 2010 @ 4:03 PM
This event is sort of the IRS
This event is sort of the IRS version of “going postal.”
February 19, 2010 @ 4:07 PM
it’s scary for me to even
it’s scary for me to even contemplate that this is a reasonable question for some.
February 19, 2010 @ 5:16 PM
scaredycat wrote:it’s scary
[quote=scaredycat]it’s scary for me to even contemplate that this is a reasonable question for some.[/quote]
Bingo, scaredy. Fucking bingo.
February 19, 2010 @ 4:06 PM
From ABC
Most were shocked by
From ABC
Most were shocked by the charred scene of Joe Stack’s kamikaze attack on a Texas IRS office, but for an alarmingly growing number of Americans Stack is a hero.
The destruction of the IRS office in Austin, Texas, has made suicidal pilot Joe Stack a hero to right wing extremists in the “patriot” movement.
The Web was studded with praise for Stack almost immediately after his plane slammed into the Austin office complex Thursday morning. The admiring salutes appearing on sites ranging from Facebook to the pages of extremist groups reflect what experts say is an “explosive growth” in the anti-government patriot movement.
February 19, 2010 @ 5:21 PM
I am offended that this is
I am offended that this is even on here.
February 19, 2010 @ 5:39 PM
You guys are missing the
You guys are missing the Men’s Figure Skating final.
February 19, 2010 @ 9:10 PM
desmond wrote:You guys are
[quote=desmond]You guys are missing the Men’s Figure Skating final.[/quote]
I thought what’s his name from USA already won…
February 19, 2010 @ 5:44 PM
I believe that real Americans
I believe that real Americans in Palin country will be lionizing Joe Stack as a martyr.
I don’t read the right wing blogs but praise for Stock don’t surprise me at all.
February 19, 2010 @ 7:04 PM
You know nothing about
You know nothing about real Americans. You are just as twisted as Mr. Stack in your own way. You are a coward and a hater. Why not go to an anti- Palin blog and get it out of your system and return to Piggington when you get the kind of reinforcement from other like thinkers on your hateful blog.
February 19, 2010 @ 7:24 PM
Facebook has since deleted
Facebook has since deleted the “Joe Stack” fan page, but others seem sure to follow.
February 19, 2010 @ 7:29 PM
Zeit, there are real
Zeit, there are real Americans and “real” Americans.
I’m talking about the real Americans of the Palintinate.
I’m not a hater… people are entitled to believe what wish. Their beliefs are funny and irony to me. That’s all.
February 19, 2010 @ 8:09 PM
I think most people
I think most people who think about what he did, more than why he did it will reach the conclusion, that regardless of his anger or motivation, it was murder. Many are angry about the amount they pay in tax, but the vast majority pay and do not go postal on IRS. When the true story comes out, I am sure someone will point out that he was unstable and could not work with people and had been depressed for years. It is too bad he had to commit suicide and take someone with him, but you see people getting cops to shoot them often. This is a variation on that theme.
February 20, 2010 @ 9:12 AM
Zeitgeist wrote:Brian,
You know nothing about real Americans. You are just as twisted as Mr. Stack in your own way. You are a coward and a hater. Why not go to an anti- Palin blog and get it out of your system and return to Piggington when you get the kind of reinforcement from other like thinkers on your hateful blog.[/quote]
Yep…Brian is a real piece of work. Your mother must be proud. I bet Maddow and Olberman are your heros.
February 19, 2010 @ 9:15 PM
You have thought that someone
You have thought that someone so bent on screwing with the government would have put his software engineering geekyness to good use and figure out a way to round off all fraction cents from various accounts and funneled them into offshore account, like in the movie Office Space (which I shall remind folks, included then super hot Jennifer Aniston).
February 19, 2010 @ 9:39 PM
flu wrote:like in the movie
[quote=flu]like in the movie Office Space (which I shall remind folks, included then super hot Jennifer Aniston).[/quote]
If any thread deserves a hijack, this one does.
While Office Space is a classic that I can watch an unlimited number of times, Anniston is not “super hot.” She’s beautiful, she’s wife/girlfriend hot, but super hot is reserved for those that pass the super hot test. Let’s say you had a week to be alone with her, at a resort in a beautiful tropical location. How long before you took her along sightseeing? One day, two days, maybe three? Super hot is reserved for the kind of woman that you would rather keep in bed, ordering room service, IV fluids, and never coming out of the room until it was time to go home, never once entering a public place nor wearing suitable clothes to be in public, super hot should put your heart on the verge of bursting from viagra overload.
Looks alone don’t qualify, cute doesn’t cut it, she’s got to ooze sexuality in her voice and her aura. Marilyn Monroe was super hot, the redhead from MadMen, Christina Hendricks is the reigning queen of super hot right now. The bottom row of the pics is the best.
Beyonce is Super hot, Dita Von Teese is Super Hot, Jennifer is beautiful, but let’s not confuse beauty with raw sex appeal.
February 19, 2010 @ 10:03 PM
temeculaguy wrote:flu
[quote=temeculaguy][quote=flu]like in the movie Office Space (which I shall remind folks, included then super hot Jennifer Aniston).[/quote]
If any thread deserves a hijack, this one does.
While Office Space is a classic that I can watch an unlimited number of times, Anniston is not “super hot.” She’s beautiful, she’s wife/girlfriend hot, but super hot is reserved for those that pass the super hot test. Let’s say you had a week to be alone with her, at a resort in a beautiful tropical location. How long before you took her along sightseeing? One day, two days, maybe three? Super hot is reserved for the kind of woman that you would rather keep in bed, ordering room service, IV fluids, and never coming out of the room until it was time to go home, never once entering a public place nor wearing suitable clothes to be in public, super hot should put your heart on the verge of bursting from viagra overload.
Looks alone don’t qualify, cute doesn’t cut it, she’s got to ooze sexuality in her voice and her aura. Marilyn Monroe was super hot, the redhead from MadMen, Christina Hendricks is the reigning queen of super hot right now. The bottom row of the pics is the best.
Beyonce is Super hot, Dita Von Teese is Super Hot, Jennifer is beautiful, but let’s not confuse beauty with raw sex appeal.[/quote]
You’re right. I should say Jennifer is a beautiful/elegant looking ladies with a beautiful expression. For me those are the ones that are the hardest ones to forget. Likewise, the field enginerd from one my customer’s co… A 6′ asian woman with one of the most beautiful faces I’ve seen…not to mention, she a sharp hacker…Fortunately, for my own sanity, this project is only going to last for a few days. Smartest damn strategy the customer did was to send her. Some customers are just a*holes that send some jerk that yells/screams and tells you what a fvckup job you+team are doing, and how everything needs to be done yesterday…This company sends an elegant women that asks regularly (politely asks) “when can XYZ be available so I can do some integration”. I’ve never seen so many people motivated to get stuff done ahead of schedule…Suckers…
February 19, 2010 @ 11:52 PM
Well, I’d rather discuss hot
Well, I’d rather discuss hot chicks vs. this loser being a hero too. I think I’ll never understand men though because I know women who are the same size as Christina Hendricks and FOR SURE most typical CA guys at least think they are chubby.
February 20, 2010 @ 9:30 AM
CBad wrote:Well, I’d rather
[quote=CBad]Well, I’d rather discuss hot chicks vs. this loser being a hero too. I think I’ll never understand men though because I know women who are the same size as Christina Hendricks and FOR SURE most typical CA guys at least think they are chubby.[/quote]
CBad: I’m going to respectfully disagree with you as well. Christina is not only beautiful, she has the curves and sexiness of a real woman. I’d take Christina and Lucy Lawless (“Spartacus”) over a dim-witted twig like Megan Fox any day.
Women AND men in this country have been sold a false ideal of what a “real” woman looks like and its truly sad, especially given the impact of attempting to attain this false body image on girls and women.
As far as Angelina Jolie goes, two words: DADDY ISSUES. Big time.
February 20, 2010 @ 9:49 AM
You are wise beyond your
You are wise beyond your years.
There are plenty of women you think they can have thier way just because they are beautiful. I shut-down that action quick.
Just ask my lovely fiance’. 😛
Over and over society teaches that life is easier when you are good-looking. I hope that my childern are attractive but no outrageously good-looking. The outrageously good looking are usually swallower and not self conifedent.
Of course then again if confidence is inversely proportional to looks then I must be one ugly MF’er.
And your right Allen about Angelina. What did Chris Rock say about fatherhood? “My only mission in life is to keep her off the pole!”. Well I think the pole for her is the movies. She does do very well as an actress but I am completely turn-off by who she is at a personal level. Aniston has shown herself to be nothing but class and just as easy on the eyes.
My pick… Anistion..
February 20, 2010 @ 2:49 PM
Yeah, don’t care much for
Yeah, don’t care much for twiggy-stick model-chicks. Don’t know many friends who do either.
And I admit, Christina Hendricks is supremely nice to look at. But that’s not what Super-Hot means. That’s not call room service, hook me up to an IV. Not for me at least…
For me, it’s my wife of 18 years . . . 😉
February 20, 2010 @ 3:08 PM
I figured there might be a 10
I figured there might be a 10 out there who could be my best friend and out room service the rest, but I would be better off not counting on being able to discern which one it was and felt holding out was a waste of time. I also believe in the possibility that being over-sexed is not good. I think my views helped in the long run. Who knows? I also believe there are millions more average women who can and will command room service than there are models and that most the models would fail at that…Sex is mostly a mixture of mind and chemistry. Coveting the 10 probably at least partially has something to do with something else.
Women from TV and Movies get too much attention IMO. We all get old. Marilyn Monroe died when she was young. If not she wouldn’t have the sexy legacy she has today. She would be another actress that was hot when she was young… probably more of a hag then the rest from living hard.
February 20, 2010 @ 3:12 PM
February 20, 2010 @ 3:15 PM
What a wonderful
What a wonderful husband you are. Your wife is lucky.
February 20, 2010 @ 3:27 PM
Except I was just watching
Except I was just watching Lindsay Vonn skiing highlights, thinking “Wow, she’s super-hot…”
February 20, 2010 @ 3:39 PM
You’re not disagreeing with
You’re not disagreeing with ME. I think she’s hawt. In fact pretty much all the women you are mentioning here I think are beautiful in their own way. But there are tons of young, attractive men especially in the OC and LA area who would consider some of these women chubby! Sorry, but that’s what I see and hear personally. I know women who are sizes 8,10,12, etc. after having kids and their husbands now think they need weight watchers. And I’m pretty sure they aren’t homosexual. But this is coastal So Cal. These women would be considered skinny in other parts of the country. I don’t know, maybe I hang out with too many athletic people?
February 20, 2010 @ 3:53 PM
CBad wrote:You’re not
[quote=CBad]You’re not disagreeing with ME. I think she’s hawt. In fact pretty much all the women you are mentioning here I think are beautiful in their own way. But there are tons of young, attractive men especially in the OC and LA area who would consider some of these women chubby! Sorry, but that’s what I see and hear personally. I know women who are sizes 8,10,12, etc. after having kids and their husbands now think they need weight watchers. And I’m pretty sure they aren’t homosexual. But this is coastal So Cal. These women would be considered skinny in other parts of the country. I don’t know, maybe I hang out with too many athletic people?[/quote]
I think many men fear that a little exra thickeness it a precursor to fat. Maybe some of those husbands look at their expanding wives and their expansive MIL and panic. I know a lot of people think latinas are extra cute but that they will be as big around as they are tall by the time they are 30. Much of this doesn’t fit the actual woman of course and being fat is not a crime. The hype about Vonn’s looks also must be getting a benefit of the doubt boost from her other acheivements.
February 20, 2010 @ 4:08 PM
Continuing the weighty
Continuing the weighty discussion:
“100 years ago you had to be rich to be fat. Now apparently you have to be rich to stay thin. And women add more pounds being poor than anyone. A nationwide study that followed participants for 14 years correlates the U.S. Food Stamp Program to obesity among its users.”
February 20, 2010 @ 4:15 PM
Speaking of hot Olympians,
Speaking of hot Olympians, holy crap did you guys watch women’s curling? The Japanese and Russian teams were just… wow. And man could they massage those stones.
And is it just me, or was women’s skelleton a convention of 95mph super-models?
And to be fair, the wife has been enjoying the men’s events just as much… and not necessarily for displays of sports prowess.
February 20, 2010 @ 4:22 PM
gold medal by Aksel Lund
gold medal by Aksel Lund Svindal
Aksel Lund Svindal won a crash-strewn super-G on Friday night to deny American Bode Miller a first Olympic gold medal.
[img_assist|nid=12820|title=Super G|desc=|link=node|align=left|width=460|height=288]
February 21, 2010 @ 3:54 AM
gandalf wrote:Yeah, don’t
[quote=gandalf]Yeah, don’t care much for twiggy-stick model-chicks. Don’t know many friends who do either.
And I admit, Christina Hendricks is supremely nice to look at. But that’s not what Super-Hot means. That’s not call room service, hook me up to an IV. Not for me at least…
For me, it’s my wife of 18 years . . . ;-)[/quote]
Awwwwww, how sweet!!!!
(now that’s a smart man!) 😉
February 21, 2010 @ 9:31 AM
gandalf, your membership card
gandalf, your membership card to the man club is in jeopardy.
Rule 47(c) of the Man Code: “When engaging in hypothetical discussions of female celebrities and porn stars, wives are not to be chosen during mock drafts. Photographs, videotapes or memories of wives may not be used during manual stimulation or referenced in discussions of manual stimulation.”
There is case law that allows for said violation if she is present when you are speaking or if a reasonable person whould expect she would learn of your answers and you are already on thin ice, it’s called the Tiger Woods exception. He’s allowed to violate the Man Code for a period of five years. If the Man Code Grand Jury subpoenas you, use that defense.
But the best way to save face and not violate the code is to preface your statement with “If my wife were to be in a tragic industrial accident” then add your choice “then Christina Hendricks would be my first choice.” It’s snarky and sneaky, but it works and your fellow men will not have to swallow the small amount of vomit that they burped into their mouth after reading it.
February 21, 2010 @ 10:49 AM
Agreed, TG, although I
Agreed, TG, although I suppose it’s conceivable that gandalf’s one of the 1-in-10,000 men that might truly feel this way… as bizarre as it might be.
February 21, 2010 @ 11:46 AM
I bet G’s wife is not
I bet G’s wife is not watching the men’s singles ice skating. It gives an entire new meaning to gay blade.
February 20, 2010 @ 12:31 AM
flu wrote:
A 6′ asian woman
A 6′ asian woman with one of the most beautiful faces I’ve seen[/quote]
That sounds super hot right there.
Marilyn Monroe? Yeah, super hot. But I’ll take (the early version of) Jayne Mansfield.
A 6′ Asian woman built with a beautiful face and built like Jayne Mansfield? Start the IV.
February 20, 2010 @ 2:05 AM
Cmon FLU, hook your brothers
Cmon FLU, hook your brothers up, you need to invite us to lunch or something before that job is over.
Cbad, I disagree, I think that’s a combination of the media and a few guys who have yet to come to terms with their homosexuality, the trashing of women with hips and breasts and the glorification of women with bodies like 15 year old boys.
Did you click the link of christina’s pictures, I’ll bet 90% of california men would not use the word “chubby” and if you gave them clay and told them to sculpt a woman, that’s what they’d make. Have you ever noticed that the women in women’s magazines aren’t built like the ones in mens magazines? Sir mix-a-lot is not alone on this. That’s the trouble with the main stream media and body image, it just doesn’t reflect the truth, porn is truth, I hope christina fails as an actress, her porn value is off the charts. I wish you could make financial trades on stuff like this the way you can play stocks or commodities, I’d make a killing, this stuff I know.
And if those women you know that are built like christina are tired of being labeled chubby, zk and i are easy to find, that is if flu doesn’t doesn’t introduce us to amozonian asians first. Good god FLU, if you tell me she’s got OEM’s with some heft, I’ll probably seize up at the keyboard. IV’s for everybody, my treat!
Thread hijack is working great, not one mention of the jackass that inspired the thread.
February 20, 2010 @ 3:44 AM
Talking about super hot,
Talking about super hot, Jennifer Aniston and haters….
There are a whole bunch of Angelina Jolie haters out there who believe that Angelina is the calculating bitch who stole Brad from Jennifer, the nice one.
I believe that of the two, Angelina is super hot one whereas Jennifer is just homey beautiful.
It turns out that Angelina is super hot with a brain and better acting talents too. She was also born into money. Some people have it all and people hate them for it.
It’s no surprise to me that Brad dumped Jennifer for Angelina.
February 20, 2010 @ 8:07 AM
temeculaguy wrote:Cmon FLU,
[quote=temeculaguy]Cmon FLU, hook your brothers up, you need to invite us to lunch or something before that job is over.[/quote]
Well TG, I believe you said your days with 20something’s are past. Are you changing your mind? Second, I don’t like to setup my friends for failure and/or waste their time.
Let’s put this in perspective. How many enginerds do you know or routinely see at work that fit into this description above with an M.S. or in this case PHD? The firm I’m working with is already decent in the gender ratio… being it’s based overseas and there, asian women enter enginerd profession on a more regular basis. However, we’re still talking to roughly 10 to 1 ratio. This person, very well could write her own ticket, specifically since she is probably one of the best hackers too. So I figure there will probably be plenty of folks tripping up over this in said firm.
Me? I found an easy solution to deal with this situation. Give proper disclosures up front. My first day meet and greet ended in me working into the conversation “there’s also Legoland…My daughter loves Legoland”… and just in case she missed the point, following up with “my daughter is great because she wants likes doing xxasfsdafd”. In situations like this in which there is a possibility she might think everyone is trying to hit on her, I simply remove myself from the equation. Not to mention, it sends a message that “I’m a reasonable person to work with, but I’m not going to get steamrolled like others might allow.”
Other folks in similar situations can substitute “daughter” for either (b) “wife” if you don’t have a kid and really have no interest in said person…or…(c) “girlfriend”, even if you really don’t have one, if you really are interested in said person. And place this in the context of “my girlfriend and I enjoy doing X, doing Y, doing Z”…The logic here is obvious. Unless you are master in smoothness, said person won’t give you the time of day. If, however, you demonstrate you are not available, and what a great life you have with your significant other (real or imaginary), said person doesn’t need to worry about you hitting on them and more readily will talk to you. Plan b would be to demonstrate what a great person you are during the talking phase (I don’t understand the logic either). Throwing money around doesn’t work in this case, because said person in this category are career oriented, and chances are make a hell of lot more than you, especially if they have vested stock options/restricted stock.
Anyway, I do need to go to work now. Otherwise, I do have to cancel my weekend plans for next week, because there really is a deadline.
February 20, 2010 @ 8:19 AM
I find it hard to believe
I find it hard to believe that a bunch of guys on an economic blog at 3 in the morning are doing much more then that.
February 21, 2010 @ 1:18 PM
His final actions make him a
His final actions make him a domestic terrorist.
February 21, 2010 @ 3:15 PM
Too funny… If I was hanging
Too funny… If I was hanging out with dudes in a living room somewhere, I’d probably throw shit at me for saying that… Flying beer cans. <ha,ha>
But it’s kind of true though, ya’ know. I mean, what’s up with the media, pictures in magazines? Models aren’t sexy. They’re gross, anorexia sick.
Call me crazy, but I prefer the real thing, real women. Plus, I’m totally gonna score in the next couple of days because my geek-goddess super-hottie wife browses the Econo-Almanac too.*
* Man Rules, Section 47(c) p. #5, “Tiger Woods” exception
** Also, see Section 103(b), “Lindsay Vonn” exception
February 21, 2010 @ 3:31 PM
Hero’s don’t kill the
Hero’s don’t kill the innocent. I’m sorry an IRS employee is innocent, no matter how much we like to malign the machine he or she works as a cog in.
On the other hand his suicide speaks to a deeply angry and prurient side of my personality. I fear it speaks to many others more strongly. Social instability and violence are the true dark side of what we are experiencing. The govt’s desire to balance its books so severely on the likes of Joe Stack are what will cause more of this type of episode.
February 21, 2010 @ 3:39 PM
Well said, Josh. I agree.
Well said, Josh. I agree.
February 21, 2010 @ 4:27 PM
Based on my experience as a
Based on my experience as a former business owner, I can confirm the IRS is a zero tolerance organization, completely adversarial, whose only goal is to collect taxes due. I was late once making my payroll tax payment (no excuse) and decided to see if I could negotiate a one time forgiveness. I went to their office, an inconspicuous building I believe off Camino Del Rio in Mission Valley. The first thing you’ll notice as you enter their office is the extremely thick glass partition (probably bullet proof) separating the waiting lounge from their cubicles. Everyone working there looked cynical with large bags under their eyes. To the side was a separate locking room, where presumably discussions would take place. The person that talked to me was an elderly lady, extremely serious, probably in her 60s and looked like Aunt Bea from the Andy Griffith show. After 10 minutes, it was clear to me that the meeting was going nowhere as all she wanted to know was when I was going to pay the penalty. As I got up to leave I said something like, “Thank you for your time, but I’m disappointed the IRS is so rigid with their rules and unwilling to offer hard working small business people any kind of break. Before I pay, I want to consult my attorney to see if there is any appeal process.” When I said that, the look she shot me could have turned Medusa to stone. Then she said, “You don’t need an attorney, you just need to deal with me, be more responsible and pay your taxes!” I didn’t respond and just walked out.
While no rational person can condone Joe Stacks actions, it’s not hard to envision how an already unstable person can be pushed over the edge by the IRS.
February 21, 2010 @ 5:38 PM
Joe Stack would be a hero to
Joe Stack would be a hero to me if he had crashed his plane into the criminal CEO of Government Sachs Lloyd Blankfein. Somehow, we need to redirect the ire of these crazies to the criminal elite who deserve it as opposed to some random IRS clerks.
February 21, 2010 @ 7:11 PM
GovernmentSachs wrote:Joe
[quote=GovernmentSachs]Joe Stack would be a hero to me if he had crashed his plane into the criminal CEO of Government Sachs Lloyd Blankfein. Somehow, we need to redirect the ire of these crazies to the criminal elite who deserve it as opposed to some random IRS clerks.[/quote]
Hopefully, this is your idea of a joke. Otherwise, you really should seek the care of a qualified mental health professional.
Joe Stack, for all intents and purposes, was a bitter and deranged individual and chose immolation and murder over accepting his own failings and weaknesses. What he did was not only beyond the pale, but cowardly and reprehensible.
You, on the other hand, appear to be perfectly content to direct the cowardly, weak and gullible to their deaths, as long as it satisfies your ends. Who do you remind me of? Oh, yeah, that’s it: Osama bin Laden.
February 21, 2010 @ 7:26 PM
I think there is something in
I think there is something in the air.
POSTED: 6:05 am EST February 11, 2010
A Massachusetts man is in jail facing weapons charges after his wife turned him in to police for having a huge cache of weapons, including rifles, tear gas grenades and explosives, inside his North Shore condominium.
Gregory Girard, 45, of Manchester-by-the-Sea was arrested Tuesday, police said, after he allegedly told officers he was preparing for Armageddon.
He allegedly told his wife, Kristine Girard, a licensed psychiatrist, that he was convinced the end of the world was near.
February 21, 2010 @ 10:53 PM
And guess how this story
And guess how this story would be different if Joe Stacks’s name was actually Ahmed Omar Hussein?
February 21, 2010 @ 11:11 PM
afx114 wrote:And guess how
[quote=afx114]And guess how this story would be different if Joe Stacks’s name was actually Ahmed Omar Hussein?[/quote]
It depends on if allah akbar was uttered or not. Once that threshold is crossed then you need to be doubly mad and demand more bombings and occupations of oil producing regions.
February 22, 2010 @ 2:57 PM
Arraya wrote:afx114 wrote:And
[quote=Arraya][quote=afx114]And guess how this story would be different if Joe Stacks’s name was actually Ahmed Omar Hussein?[/quote]
It depends on if allah akbar was uttered or not. Once that threshold is crossed then you need to be doubly mad and demand more bombings and occupations of oil producing regions.[/quote]
Shows you how it’s a matter of emotions on the part of people who are full of bias.