Jupiter would look a lot nicer if the skies were steadier. 🙁 At least it’s not cloudy like it has been all summer. Now, what have we here?
[quote=sdrealtor]DR B
This is all very easy to settle. You claim to have prospered but the truth is you dont even know whether you did.[/quote]
Sorry, but that’s condescending. I know the comps backwards and forwards around here and have followed them closely for years. It’s not that complicated: accounting for both rebates and the money we spent getting things squared away the way we like it (moved a door, added a window, custom Craftsman-style trim throughout, new HVAC, etc.), we paid the going rate. The going rate was rather down at the time. 🙂
We could easily rent the joint out for 20% more than our PITI plus trash and water/sewer. This assumes that water use triples and that we keep the rent 5-10% below the neighborhood average to avoid vacancy.
Yeah, we did OK. We couldn’t afford to rent this place, but we can very comfortably afford to be in hock to a bank for 30 years for it. That’s a good deal in anyone’s book. As an added bonus, we got almost exactly what we wanted and where we wanted it. We’ll probably never move again, so we’ll let our kids worry about whether it will sell for more in the future.
[quote]So what say you? Ready to settle this once and for all?[/quote]
I already did. You can believe me or not as you see fit.