Downtown Sd has better construction? nearly every building there has massive defect litigation underway.
Carlsbad aka “Gridlocked Nirvana”? I can drive in any direction hitting little traffic. Getting around the urban core I have to stop nearly every 100 yds. I can park in my driveway or garage (if I ever got rid of the crap I have in there) and an unlimited number of my friends can park in the street outfront. Downtown I would have 1 or 2 under ground parking spots a long walk from my condo. My friends would have to pay $10 to $20 to park outside or run out every 2 hours to feed a meter.
Yes we have lower income residents. But they dont stand on the street corners urinating in doorways and harassing people walking down the street.
I do agree on different strokes for different folks and I see the value of downtown/urban living. To the contrary, it took you this long to get to different strokes for different folks having started at why would anyone live in Carlsbad or any of the newer communities in NC. Its easily as convenient to live up her and far more relaxed. Now you understand why.