[quote=temeculaguy]Those judges never changed their math, they were right then, they are probably right now, their formulas didn’t change, the perception of their formulas have. When the likes of sdrealtor and ocrenter both give her a 7, guess what she’s probably a 7, and 7 aint bad. I like a 7, they are more appreciative than a 9 or a 10, but I digress, which is what I’m known for.[/quote]
I actually don’t fully agree with this. Economy is a moving target. So when the facts changed, even if their formula didn’t change, the end result could change. Which judge several years ago predicted the 10% unemployment, the bankrupcy of lehman, GM, AIG, fannie mae and fredie mac? And who predicted the aggressive response by the FED and the congess? The huge amount of the shadow inventory and the government bented in backward with new accounting rules for the to mark-to-fantasy?
We are in uncharted territory and we need new formula. That’s what I am saying.