[quote=CONCHO]Man I just have to keep doing this to save us all time. Here are the arguments that we will see in this thread:
1) Americans deserve to be unemployed because they are lazy.
2) Unions killed America.
3) Americans are too stupid to compete against foreign workers.
4) Americans are overpaid. What, you think you *deserve* a roof over your head? There’s someone in Thailand that lives in a shanty that can do your job cheaper, bub!
5) American products are of poor quality anyway — unlike my new Acura, which is fantastic! BTW, let me tell you all about it…
OK so I’ve saved us all the trouble of what we would normally have to spend time typing and reading here. Now we can go back to work (if we still have any ha ha ha).[/quote]
Making sure the lower classes internalize *fault* is an important factor in keeping it all together. Otherwise we turn into Greece with molotov cocktails flying in the streets.